[please don't top-post.  thanks.]

On 4/18/2013 11:09 AM, Lucas van Braam van Vloten wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your replies. I know how to allow relay by its IP address
> but I'm just afraid that it would be easy to fake an up address and
> use my server as a spam relay. 

While it's easy enough to spoof single IP packets, it's far more
difficult to spoof a whole SMTP conversation.

Listing an IP in mynetworks is safe as long as you trust everybody
at that IP, for some value of "trust".

> I would prefer to combine this with
> some form of authentication. Would you happen to know a good manual
> for setting up SASL authentication or a client certificate?


If you need more detailed instructions, ask for help on a forum
specific to your OS.

  -- Noel Jones

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