A word at the outset here: I predict this will come back to bite you 
in a most painful way. As Noel suggested, you're going to run afoul 
of some clueless spam checks. Some years back I know that Hotmail/MSN 
actually *discarded* such mail silently!

Note also that Postfix itself uses Received: headers as a protection 
against mail loops. Let's hope you don't get a loop going!

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 05:49:47PM +0300, Geoff Shang wrote:
> Is there any way I can be sure that the special cleanup agent
> is running? I see the socket
> /var/spool/postfix/public/submission_cleanup

It's running. To see what it does:

> master.cf:

> submission_cleanup   unix  n    -    -    -    -    cleanup
>   # Strip Received: lines from authenticated mail
>   -o header_checks=pcre:/etc/postfix/header_checks
    -o syslog_name=postfix/submission/cleanup

Every non-default service should have its own syslog_name to enhance 
your log searches.

> /etc/postfix/header_checks:
> # Remove any Received: headers from authenticated mail.
> /^Received:/    IGNORE
/./     WARN

That might get too noisy in the logs, but at least you will know your 
alternate cleanup service is being used.
  http://rob0.nodns4.us/ -- system administration and consulting
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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