On Sat, Apr 06, 2013 at 09:01:54PM +0000, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:

> I think it would be more consistent to also allow mail_owner and
> setgid_group to have appropriate compile-time defaults for the
> target platform whether installing locally, or building packages.
> That said, the OP can of course make do with run-time overrides
> if that's the only choice.

This is not a big deal either way.  I neglected to mention upthread
that when I did install multiple versions of Postfix each rooted
in their own tree (often in AFS) the compile-time config_directory
was in /etc/postfix not the version-specific directory:


There was however also a version-specific .../etc/ directory in
AFS, which contained stock files created by the package installer
(so I also used command-line overrides: 

        postfix-install \
                config_directory=/some/afs/path/etc \
                queue_directory=/some/afs/path/spool \
                data_directory=/some/afs/path/data ...

when installing into AFS, since that was not an installation onto
the specific system from which I happened to push content into AFS).

This was not the typical Postfix via O/S packages use-case, rather
Postfix was delivered once into AFS for use by thousands of systems,
and a boot-time shell-script would select the correct version for
a given machine, and build a suitable main.cf/master.cf, ...


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