On 27 Mar 2013, at 8:32, Gaby L wrote:


I have refered to split only postfix functions,but for it ,is need create coherent users system. For example if I create one user in gmail system,this user physical is stored only one central machine then is accesed through diverse distribute mechanism (same DNS),or is replicate in all machine?

I'm not completely certain that I understand what you are asking about, but I'll try to provide something like an answer.

Stored mail is not managed by Postfix. Once mail is delivered, Postfix never touches it again. Access to delivered mail is handled by IMAP, POP, and Webmail software. Postfix is none of those.

The fact that a user account exists, the details of how mail is delivered to that account, and its authentication mechanism (used to allow a user to submit mail) are used directly Postfix. In a distributed Postfix environment there are multiple options you could use to make those aspects of the account accessible to multiple Postfix instances, and choosing between them must be informed by the details of the specific environment. Postfix is a user of that information, not the manager of it. Postfix can access user information via LDAP, MySQL, memcache, a generic socket protocol, and from file in a variety of formats including dbm, BerkeleyDB, and CDB. Postfix can use the SASL authentication libraries of Cyrus or Dovecot. All of these options exist because they fit different types of environment. There is not a single recipe.

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