
I am trying to set up mail relays for our domain. Basically, the relays
should only "route" e-mails to their destination. They are not supposed
to deliver any e-mails locally. Relays are also supposed to masquerade
server names. All mail accounts for our domain reside on a central
mailbox server.

For example, if example.com is our domain:


should go to mailbox server mailbox.example.com (i.e.

All other domains are routed as usual via MX records to the internet.

Of course, I want the server to refuse non-existing mail accounts, thus
I have a virtual_alias_map which contains mappings for all existing

My problem now is that this works fine for e-mails sent from the relay
itself. The relay will accept mails for u...@example.com and
u...@server.example.com and will correctly forward it to the mailbox. It
will also refuse to accept mails to non-existing addresses, e.g.
t...@example.com and t...@server.example.com

However, for e-mails arriving from outside of our network the relays
won't accept e-mails going to any address containing the server name
because it's not listed in the virtual_alias_map.

It will accept u...@example.com but deny u...@server.example.com with an
554 relay access denied.

So it seems postfix does the relay checks first and will only do
masquerading after that. I have tried many things but to no avail. There
seems to be no way around this.

Anyone has a suggestion how to handle this?



postconf -n of a test relay with a minimal config:

alias_database =
alias_maps =
canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
config_directory = /etc/postfix
local_header_rewrite_clients = static:all
masquerade_classes = envelope_recipient
masquerade_domains = example.com
mydestination =
mynetworks =
relayhost =
virtual_alias_domains = example.com
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual


u...@example.com        u...@mailbox.example.com
first.l...@example.com  u...@mailbox.example.com

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