On Tue, 19 Feb 2013 17:07:43 +0100
Mikael Bak <m...@inbox.lv> wrote:

> > Ok, that seems to be very nice. AFAIUI it can be implemented on the
> > backend server. I'd prefer not to touch the front-end servers.
> That does NOT sound like a good idea.
> If you accept the message on the fronend and then reject is on the
> backend, then you will generate a bounce message back to the sender.
> If the sender's address is forged, then you will generate
> backscatter, and could end up on black lists.
> Reject on the frontend servers to avoid this.

If the backend generates a 5xx, the frontend servers will also generate
a 5xx. At least, in case a user does not exist. Don't know if this
particular mechanism will work the same way. I will have play with it
to find out. And I agree with you: no backscatter.


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| Richard Lucassen, Utrecht                                        |
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