--> Gerben Wierda <gerben.wie...@rna.nl> [2013-02-02 20:55:42 +0100]:

> Just so there is no misunderstanding: I am unhappy running an
> older version that is not updated with security fixes anymore and
> I had planned to upgrade before now (but not immediately when 10.8
> came out as 10.8.0 Server was not what you say trustworthy. I skipped
> 10.7 server altogether because it is a disaster area. I plan
> to upgrade asap to 10.8 server.
Sure, I can understand that. 

> Does macports overwrite what Apple has provided or does it have
> ts own separate tree (like fink used to have, which means you get
> another job that is: keeping the second tree up to date)?

No, Macports does not overwrite what Apple has installed and yes,
it does use its own separate filesystem as Fink does; it's under
/opt/local. However, they do specify that have programs installed
in /usr/local (i.e. manually installed or otherwise) causes issues
when using Macports. Totally OT, sorry about that.

It does provide you a way of keeping installed programs up-to-date
which is why I suggested it. You simply use launctl/Launchd to
select which MTA you use; i.e. the Macports installed version or
the Apple preinstalled version.

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