On Tuesday 29/01/2013 at 1:37 pm, Mike. wrote:
On 1/29/2013 at 2:01 PM Brian Evans wrote:
|On 1/29/2013 1:43 PM, Brian Evans wrote:
|> Because of that, I have skewed numbers:
|> All "incoming" log records: 10187
|> All "status=sent" log records: 7506
|> All "status=deferred" log records: 3302
|> rejected: -621 (-6%)
|> It is not a simple math of "A minus B minus C" to find out how much
|> postscreen is rejecting in its current state.
|Furthermore, the script assumes that connect to sent ratio is (1:1).
|This is almost never the case with multi-recipient mail or clients
|can send more than one message in a single transaction.
Version 1.1, now uploaded to
has removed the deferrals from the rejected calculation.
Multi-recipients handling would involve some very detailed processing,
which is beyond the stated goal of this script.
I use the script to watch day-to-day trends, not for detailed
In that capacity, it works fine for me. YMMV
Thanks again for your feedback.
I suggest you simplify and use only postscreen log lines.
"sent" and "deferred" are not postscreen actions.
and "sent" double counts when postfix sends to content filter AND
sends to next hop, in a relay-only gateway.
"incoming" should be "SMTP connections"
you should automatically detect RBL servers rather than looking for
defined, eg sorbs, RBL server, which I don't use
awk '/dnsblog/{print $11}' /var/log/maillog | sort -f | uniq -ic
290700 b.barracudacentral.org
209424 zen.spamhaus.org
good work
I think I'll write my own in python :)