On 1/18/2013 3:56 PM, Amir A. wrote:
> My Problem:
> I have a vanilla Zimbra setup that I have been trying to implement
> either Before Queue Mail filtering or Milter Based Filtering.
> At first I tried doing a Pre-queue setup with amavisd-new but I ran
> into the problem where aliasing wouldn't work. 

You'll need to quantify "wouldn't work".  Give details of what
happened vs. what you expected.

For the record, there is no underlying incompatibility between
aliases and milters/filters.

> I tried again after
> much testing with j-chkmail as a milter. It seems to work well
> enough except when I use any sort of alias. 


> I thought it might be
> somehow linked to Zimbra's use of LDAP however even an alias in
> /etc/aliases doesn't work, it doesn't seem to get past the first
> smtpd line

explain what you mean here.  Note that /etc/aliases only apply
during local delivery, ie. domains listed in mydestination and
delivered by the postfix local(8) delivery agent.

> Beginning of master.cf:
> smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd -vv

Verbose logging is more likely to obscure the issue than solve it;
remove the -vv.

No glaring errors in your config.  Without context it's impossible
to give more advice.

  -- Noel Jones

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