hello experts Wietse.
I met some time timeout problems that resolve itself when the server resume the issuance of emails in the queue for example ~]# postqueue -p ----Queue ID----- --Size-- ---Arrival Time---- --Sender/Recipient------ 3YQkcr4QZKzgwCd 9616 Tue Dec 18 17:06:36 bar-return-211311-ml=smtp.fakessh...@ml.ovh.net (host ks37777.kimsufi.com[/var/run/dspam/dspam.sock] said: 421 4.3.0 <fake...@localhost.ks37777.kimsufi.com> Deferred: 451-4.7.0 DNS timeout (in reply to end of DATA command)) fake...@localhost.ks37777.kimsufi.com 3YQkdD5g2FzgwCn 5571 Tue Dec 18 17:06:56 bar-return-211312-ml=smtp.fakessh...@ml.ovh.net (host[] said: 451-4.7.0 DNS timeout 451 4.7.0 For assistance, fax +33-9-7213-4187. Please provide the following information in your problem report: time (Dec 18 17:07:02), client ( and server (ks37777.kimsufi.com). (in reply to end of DATA command)) fake...@localhost.ks37777.kimsufi.com -- 16 Kbytes in 2 Requests. any issue are possible -- gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key C2626742 http://about.me/fakessh
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