Le 15/12/2012 00:03, Valone, Toren W.@DMV a écrit :
> I actually did not feed the full path, when doing that I got no error,
This doesn't tell us what command was run and whether it returned a
result or not. You're not being very helpful here. Please help us to
help you. For that, we need complete/full/unaltered information. 

Feel free to redact private information (such as email addresses) but do
so consistently (use a one-to-one mapping).

so let's start again! Please show:

1) the log line that contains "user unknown". Please notice: I say
"line", not "part", "snippet",... etc
=> we are used to reading postfix logs and can spot things you may miss.

2) the command I asked you to run and the results. (copy-paste what you
see on the screen, starting from the command itself until the next
prompt, so we see it when the result is empty)

as a reminder, the command is:
    postmap -q user@domain mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_mailboxes.cf

we need to see the command itself as well as the results (up to the next
=> we need to check that you ran the right command (no typos, no
misunderstanding, ...) for the right user (the one that appears in the

3) evidence that the user is in your mysql table. show the table
definition (the columns), show the line containing the user address that
we're looking at.

4) the contents of mysql-virtual_mailboxes.cf

good luck...

>  [snip]

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