* Noel Jones <postfix-users@postfix.org>:
> On 11/28/2012 1:17 PM, Will Yardley wrote:
> > [Apologies in advance for the less than complete information below;
> > hoping someone may have an idea of what's happening anyway]
> > 
> > I'm having a problem where messages are accepted but then seem to
> > generate a mail forwarding loop. It seems to happen a lot with mail from
> > a particular spammer.
> There was a discussion earlier this month about some spammer
> including a Delivered-To: header in their spam.  Postfix local(8)
> uses this header to detect loops and will bounce messages with a
> Delivered-To: header equal to the current recipient.
> Seems likely this is your problem too.
> There were some suggestions for dealing with it in that discussion,
> but there is no particularly good solution -- see archives.  The
> best solution is to detect the message as spam and reject it before
> the Delivered-To: header is a factor.

To verify this, use a header_checks entry like:

/^Delivered-To:/ WARN

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