Am 28.11.2012 19:01, schrieb
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Wietse Venema" <>
> To: "Postfix users" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 9:11 AM
> Subject: Re: Need help blocking spam by IP address owner
>>> I am receiving spam from ever changing client IP addresses.  Each
>>> spam has
>>> other tiny variations that prevent string matching.  The one thing
>>> they all
>>> have in common is the owner of the IP addresses.  Is there any way to do
>>> lookup of the client IP owner at Prescreen or SMTP time to REJECT the
>>> incoming connection?  Is this a workable solution?  I've searched the
>>> web,
>>> the documentation and archives.  No luck.  Does anyone have a
>>> solution or
>>> script?  Thanks!
>> Find or build a policy daemon, milter, or content filter that queries
>> the whois service, I suggest using a local cache to speed up lookup
>> latency.
>> Wietse
> Thanks, Wietse.  To write something is above my skills at this point, I
> think.
> I've already read each of those 3 docs and tried few things.
> I was hoping someone has something similar already set up.
> I'm better at modifying code than writing it...
> Anyone have anything similar?
> Vince

perhaps look at this for ideas

and/or write your own spamassassin rule giving much points, reject then
i.e over 15 points with spamass-milter at smtp income stage

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

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