Am Sonntag, 18. November 2012, 14:12:47 schrieb Reindl Harald: > the list is invalid because ip-segments > does not have leading zeros
? cat list|sed 's/00/0/g' if you need to. But whois can cope with that: % The key "" has been changed to "" for lookup. Nothing should have problems with leading zeroes. > forget it - a whois will show you that they all are from > different countries and providers, so you have to email > all the abuse-addresses, there will be no service do it for you I've found the CERT reporting site: I was hoping someone may know a central site. whois was done, report sent to all sites who have an e-mail in their answer. -- mit freundlichen Grüssen, Michael Monnerie, Ing. BSc it-management Internet Services: Protéger [gesprochen: Prot-e-schee] Tel: +43 660 / 415 6531
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