Rosenbaum, Larry M.:
> Running RHEL 6, mail_version = 2.6.6
> I have a server, let's call it I want mail
> addressed to to be looked up in $virtual_alias_maps.
> Mail to subdomains of should be relayed to a server
> by that name. The file includes the following lines:
> virtual_alias_domains = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual_domains relay_domains
> = $mydestination, hash:/etc/postfix/relay_domains
> The virtual_domains file contains    ok
> What do I need to put into the relay_domains file to allow mail
> coming from sites that aren't in $mynetworks to be relayed to
> @* I've tried putting
>    ok

As documented:

relay_domains (default: $mydestination)

       What destination domains (and  subdomains  thereof)  this  system  will
       relay   mail  to.  Subdomain  matching  is  controlled  with  the  par-
       ent_domain_matches_subdomains parameter.

> into relay_domains but I still got "Relay access denied". If instead
> I use
>   ok
> then I am able to relay, but the log file has this warning:
> 'postfix/trivial-rewrite[19961]: warning: do not list domain
> in BOTH virtual_alias_domains and relay_domains'

Right, don't do that.

> What should I be doing instead?

parent_domain_matches_subdomains (default: see postconf -d output)
       What  Postfix  features match subdomains of "domain.tld" automatically,
       instead of  requiring  an  explicit  ".domain.tld"  pattern.   This  is
       planned  backwards compatibility:  eventually, all Postfix features are
       expected to require explicit  ".domain.tld"  style  patterns  when  you
       really want to match subdomains.

Set the parent_domain_matches_subdomains parameter, and don't
include relay_domains there.

I expect that "parent_domain_matches_subdomains = smtpd_access_maps"
would be practical for many sites.


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