V?clav Pernica:
> wietse:
> > Specify:
> > 
> > /etc/postfix/main.cf:
> >     virtual_mailbox_maps = tcp:host:port
> Thanks! This would be really elegant and easy solution. However
> the server is running on RHEL 6.3 where the TCP_Tables are not
> supported. Is there some easy way how to allow this functionality?

There are source RPM's out there that will put TCP_Tables back into
Postfix. But you'd have to prevent RHEL from blowing this away.

Alas, as documented tcp_table(5) is an insecure table (no secure
communication) so Postfix probably will not allow you to look up
mailbox pathnames with this.

Maybe you can periodically "dump" the database to local file,
massage that and "postmap" the result?

> I tested it also on my home computer running higher version of
> postfix and here it is allowed. Is there some initial version
> starting from which this is enable by default?

Unfortunately I forgot to add a HISTORY entry to the tcp_table(5)

According to "grep -A 2" the tcp_table is "always" enabled in
Postfix 2.7. and later.


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