Le 16/09/2012 18:42, Neil Aggarwal a écrit :
> Hello:
> I am trying to set up virtual domain hosting following the guide on
> this page:
> http://www.postfix.org/VIRTUAL_README.html
> According to that page, I list the domain in virtual_alias_domains
> and NOT  in mydestination.
> I then listed all my user accounts in /etc/postfix/virtual and
> compiled that into a binary map file.
> When I start postfix, all email to the users on the domain gets
> rejected.
> I searched the internet and several people suggested moving
> the domain from the virtual_alias_domains to mydestination.
> When I did that, everything seems to be working, but I get
> this warning:
> warning: do not list domain in BOTH mydestination and 
> virtual_alias_domains
> Any idea why the virtual_alias_domains is not working?

it looks like you want

but you tried

anyway, if you want help, you'll need to follow the direction in

in your partciular case, we need to see
- output of 'postconf -n'
- logs showing a reject
- for these logs, entries from /etc/postfix/virtual for the rejected user.

maybe you're confusing this with virtual_mailbox_domains ?

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