Hi all, I am familiar with yahoo being difficult to send email to, as i'm sure most all of us here are. I am now faced with needing to increase my server's throughput to yahoo's MTA's. I was scouring the net and what caught my attention on the postfix mailing list archives was a reply from *Victor Duchovni* http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/postfix-users/message/244843?threaded=1&p=3
I am trying to figure out how to plugin my values to get the equation correct so I could calculate the what maximal throughput per unit of concurrency msgs/sec? It seems like I am only sending roughly 800 - 1,000 emails an hour to yahoo. Settings for my yahoo transport are yahoo_destination_concurrency_limit = 20 yahoo_destination_rate_delay = 1s yahoo_destination_recipient_limit = 20 I found this cool one liner thanks to Victor $ perl -lne ' m{\A\S+T(\S+).{5} \S+ \S+: \w+: to=<\S+\@yahoo\.com>, (?:orig_to=\S+, )?relay=\S+, (?:conn_use=\d+, )?delay=\S+, delays=[\d.]+/[\d.]+/([\d.]+)/([\d.])+,} or next; $c = 0.95 * $c + 0.05 * $2; $d = 0.95 * $d + 0.05 * $3; if (++$i % 100 == 0) { printf "%s %5.2f %5.2f\n", $1, $c, $d; }' maillog 18:43:28 0.07 4.43 18:47:20 0.52 3.71 18:51:01 0.13 3.13 18:54:21 0.05 4.73 18:57:49 0.08 3.32 19:01:06 0.05 4.63 19:04:32 0.06 4.84 19:07:55 0.09 3.91 Can anyone offer any guidance on what direction I need to go? Thanks in advance, Joey