
We have Running Postfix and Exchange in our company. The mail system is
illustrated below:



          | Domain.local |





          | Domain.com |


Domain.local is hosted on Microsoft Exchange and all local communications
handled by it. When someone from internal domain , wants to send an email
via outside network, then Exchange forwards email to Postfix (Domain.com)
and postfix send it out after address rewriting (*@domain.local ->

Also when postfix receives an email for domain.com , after rewriting to
domain.local , forwards it to Exchange.

Currently this system is working, the only problem is that for example when
someone (john@domain.local) on internal domain sends an email to a person on
outside domain (t...@postfix.org), with some internal staff on the CC; Email
sender address will translated to j...@domain.com but domain name of those
people whose address were on CC remains Domain.local.

As far as I know, CC in body of the email and general rewrite rules will not
work here, Does anyone have a good solution for this case?




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