On Thu, Aug 02, 2012 at 10:18:42AM +0100, Jim Reid wrote:
> First off, this is not a Postfix problem. The MX record for bond.com is 
> spectacularly broken. It's an epic fail. That's what needs to be fixed. 

I did not say that postfix would be a mistake :)
The log also shows that the "warning: numeric domain name in resource data of 
MX record for bond.com:"

I want solutions not only in this case in particular, but all similar cases.

All DNS admin can not speak one at a time when there is an error.

But I want to avoid mail loop.

MAILER-DAEMON in this case would be sent mail back to the bond.com (mail was 
probably SPAM).
Thus, deleting the mail queue was permitted.

> I would not reconfigure postfix to work around bond.com's brokenness.  
> For one thing, that would be the start of a very slippery slope. How  
> many more changes would you make to the configuration for errors  
> elsewhere and how soon would that make your postfix setup impossible to 
> maintain or debug? For another thing, if you did add some sort of  
> special relay hook for bond.com, where would that domain's mail be sent?

There mail.bond.com entry in the DNS.

Thank you for your answer.

    [Varadi Gabor]

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