On 7/13/2012 3:04 AM, Tom Kinghorn wrote:
> Good morning List.

Hay Tom,

> I have a question regarding rate-limiting.
> I know how to rate limit outbound mail by destination domain BUT am unable
> to find any information or example on how to do the same incoming??
> at certain times of the month, our users, which have subscribed to
> various new-letters, receive their mail.
> However, this is causing unnecessary load on the MX servers.
> Is there a way to limit inbound email based on sending domain?

By sending domain isn't the way to skin this cat.  There are much
simpler and more automated means for slowing down bulk mailers.

> we only receive mail for a single domain-name.

See this archived thread:


Since I wrote that I've discovered that using a setting of 1 can cause
problems with some less than properly configured legit mailing list
servers.  I've only run into this once, but I'd keep an eye on logs/etc
and an ear to the ground.  If users are getting auto unsubbed from lists
you may need to bump up to 2 or maybe 4 connections. IME no more than 4
should ever be needed.  That's still quite better than the default 50
parallel connections, which is what is currently hammering your queues.


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