achal tomar:
> ~/.forward+listname:
>     "|/some/where/command ..."
> I am no able to understand what is the meaning of that is what to write in 
> it:-
>    "|/some/where/command ..."


    You need to set up a file named .forward+listname with the
    commands that process all the mail that is sent to the
    owner-listname address.

aliases(5) says:

              Mail  is piped into command. Commands that contain special char-
              acters, such as whitespace, should be  enclosed  between  double
              quotes. See local(8) for details of delivery to command.

              When  the  command  fails, a limited amount of command output is
              mailed back to the  sender.   The  file  /usr/include/sysexits.h
              defines  the expected exit status codes. For example, use "|exit
              67" to simulate a "user unknown" error, and "|exit 0" to  imple-
              ment an expensive black hole.

In other words the message content (head and body) appear on the
standard input stream of the command that you configure.

If that sentence reads like goobledygook, then you should find and
expert, or you should first become familiar with basic UNIX concepts.

>  and how can i do this when a server is sending mails by a PHP script
> to my postfix server.

PHP uses the Postfix sendmail command. See the section titled "VERP
support in the Postfix sendmail command" in the VERP_README file.
This section will tell you that you need to specify the -XV option
on the Postfix sendmail command line.

The PHP documentation at describes how to
supply additional parameters (such as -XV) for the Postfix sendmail
command line.

If that sentence reads like goobledygook, then you should find a
PHP expert, or you should first become familiar with basic PHP


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