Dnia 2012-05-31, czw o godzinie 10:01 +0100, t t pisze:

> an email from pers...@gmail.com to mail...@example.com should go
> to mailm...@lists.example.com,
> an email from pers...@gmail.com to another_l...@example.com should go
> to another_li...@lists.example.com,
> an email from pers...@gmail.com to mail...@example.com should go
> tomailm...@lists.example.com

You can use REDIRECT to a local account and then use .procmailrc to do
additional forwarding.
If I remember correctly, REDIRECT doesn't affect original To: header.

> 2) I assume it's possible to enter the redirect mappings into a mysql
> database directly, rather than write the mapping in a file, right?
> (e.g.: I enter my aliases in the way described
> here: http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/#data)
Surely it's possible. Never done it though.


Robert Wysocki
administrator systemów linuksowych
Contium S.A., http://www.contium.pl

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