Hello - Recently, I've discovered that if two people are CC'd on an email with the same domain, the content_filter is only called once which prevents the second person to receive the email.
Example: If b...@domain1.com,g...@domain1.com is sent an email, only b...@domain1.com will get it. If b...@domain1.com and g...@domain2.com is sent an email, both will get it. I've tested my theory by having /etc/postfix/spamfilter output a line 'HELLO' everytime it runs, in example #1, it only outputs once, while on example 2, it echos twice. Here is the relevant portion of my config: http://pastebin.ca/2155030 Running postfix 2.7.1 on Debian 6.0.4 I assume this is not a bug within postfix, but how I configured the spam assassin / postfix filter. If there is a better way to do this instead, I'm all ears. Thanks for your time.