On May 18, 2012, at 07:22, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

> A little OT, but I'd like to ask, as I've not been able to find real
> information via Google.  What's the memory consumption of a single spamd
> process using the default SA configuration?  Maybe a better question is
> how much real RAM is SA eating on systems folks here have in production?

From our Plesk server;

$ top -n 1 | grep spamd
  682 root      20   0 32304  27m  808 S  0.0  0.3   5:51.75 spamd              
  686 popuser   20   0 32304  27m  656 S  0.0  0.3   0:02.78 spamd              
  687 popuser   20   0 32304  27m  648 S  0.0  0.3   0:02.83 spamd              


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