From certain clients I see in the logs (true IP address / DNS name
May 14 18:36:57 mailserver postfix/submission/smtpd[21317]: timeout
after END-OF-MESSAGE from workstation1.office.example.com []
May 14 18:36:57 mailserverpostfix/submission/smtpd[21317]: disconnect
from workstation1.office.example.com []
These clients connect (using STARTTLS, port 587), authenticate (SASL
auth) and submit mail successfully, but, obviously, do not disconnect
normally and they timeout and are disconnected by the server (Postfix)
after a timeout period which I see is 5 minutes.
Is this a known behavior of some clients (I suspect it may be Mac Mail)
under certain circumstances?
- timeout after END-OF-MESSAGE Nikolaos Milas