Thanks Robert for your answer,
but analysis of the log does not show any indication.
in / var / log / maillog there are no indications of ip and user that
generates emails with sender

this is the resulter to grep
I would like to increase the debug log, how do I?

May  9 05:06:02 neruda postfix/smtp[20559]: BE80AB81E65:
delay=74841, status=deferred (host[]said: 451 DNS temporary
error. (in reply to RCPT TO command))

2012/5/9 Robert Schetterer <>:
> Am 09.05.2012 09:01, schrieb Giuseppe Perna:
>> hello, thanks for rispota.
>> You please be more specific?
>> logs to check are / var / log / mailllog right?
>> how do I check if SMTP AUTH is active?
>> how do I check the ip who sent this email spam?
>> thanks
>> 2012/5/9 Bill Weiss <>:
>>> Giuseppe Perna(, May 08, 2012 at 11:10:15PM +0200:
>>>> hy,
>>>> i have an old version of postfix.
>>>> i have this problem: from my server with sender
>>>> leave hundreds of spam messages to the Internet, I analyzed the file /
>>>> var / log / maillog and I see this:
>>>> BE80AB81E65     3272 Tue May  8 08:18:41
>>>> (host[] said: 451 DNS temporary
>>>> error. (in reply to RCPT TO command))
>>>> how can I check who is the real user who generates envi spam?
>>> Look in your server logs for BE80AB81E65 and see who sent.  Hopefully you
>>> have SMTP AUTH turned on, otherwise you'll just get a source IP to track
>>> down.
>>> --
>>> Bill Weiss
> i.e try
> grep BE80AB81E65 /var/log/mail or /var/log/mail.log
> to find out whats going on about that mail
> if you have no idea what SMTP AUTH is
> you should better shut down the server temp
> and read postfix docs about setup/config
> and/or get some paid help service
> come back here, post your config , ask questions,
> fix your setup , turn on the server again
> --
> Best Regards
> MfG Robert Schetterer
> Germany/Munich/Bavaria


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