On Mon, May 07, 2012 at 10:04:21PM -0500, Noel Jones wrote:

> > We have some fairly involved routing requirements, and have been
> > using a script that creates a transport table from a number of
> > source files. It's been working well for some years, but now we have
> > a need for sender-dependent transport rules. We periodically creates
> > the sender_dependent_default_transport_maps, which appeared to work
> > perfectly, but then we discovered that the transport table overrides
> > sender-dependent transport - exactly as documented.
> > 
> > We have a requirement for sender-dependent transport rules that
> > override everything else. I thought of setting up another postfix
> > instance just to handle the sender-dependent transport before
> > handing it off to either the current smtp server or one of the
> > designated transports, but it seems like overkill. Is there any
> > other way to make sender_dependent_default_transport_maps take
> > priority over the transport table?
> The transport priority order is not configurable.
> I suppose you could use a check_sender_access map that returns
> FILTER transport:nexthop for the target senders.  Note this solution
> is only useful with mail submitted via SMTP and is incompatible with
> an after-queue content_filter (unless you do some master.cf gyrations).

It also breaks mail routing on any real MTA that needs to route
different recipients to different destinations. The only real
use-case for sender-dependent routing is on shared laptops and
home machines where all of a user's initially submitted mail
is relayed via that user's ISP, but then one just empties
out the transport table and voila, the default transport wins.

My advice to the OP would be to separate the sender-dependent
traffic onto a separate MTA that does no (normal) recipient
dependent routing.


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