On 4/26/2012 10:46 AM, Amira Othman wrote:
> Hi all
>  I am working on project that requires notification messages of delivery
> to be sent to users. I asked before and you told me that it's not good
> to disable notifications so what I need now is to redirect all
> for each domain to certain account and not to the actual sender. I tried
> header checks with null return path and other header info that is sent
> notification but not working. I also tried virtual maps but it works for
> each individual user. I have 3 postfix instances running on same host, two
> of these instances are for two separate domains so what I need is to
> all notification messages (bounces) generated by each instance in one
> mailbox. How can I do that?
> regards

Please describe the actual problem rather than asking how to
implement a broken solution.

I need to prevent all notification messages of a domain from being sent to
outside users that sends mail through postfix. Because the application that
push mails already handles bounces so no need of notification to be sent
again to the actual sender 

  -- Noel Jones

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