Postmap -q <name alone> ldap:/etc/postfix/

Is not giving any output.
It returns silently.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Brian Evans - Postfix List
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Postfix delivery to openldap users

On 3/28/2012 5:19 AM, Priscilla V wrote:
> We have configured to consider ldap users also in /etc/nsswitch.conf.

I'm not an LDAP expert, but it seems as if you are looking up a full email 
Please be aware that alias_maps lookups only send the bare user name.

Queries targeting "" will fail.

> : files ldap nisplus
> shadow: files ldap nisplus
> group : files ldap nisplus
> So virtual  aliases need not be configured.
> Alias_maps alone is sufficient.
> Here is the configuration of
> server_host = <hostname>
> server_port = 389
> search_base = <base dn>
> scope = sub
> bind = yes
> bind_dn = <user dn>
> bind_pw = <pass>
> version = 3
> start_tls = no
> query_filter = (mail=%s)
> result_attribute = uid
> If all the above are OK for your case, what does "postmap -q ldapuseralias 
> ldap:/etc/postfix/" output (where ldapuseralias is one of your ldap 
> users)?

This is good advice for testing and you should follow it.
Just be sure to test the bare user name, like joe from my previous example.


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