On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 08:52:54PM -0500, Noel Jones wrote:
> Yes, I would always choose telnet first.  Unfortunately, if you want
> to test an encrypted session telnet fails miserably.
> The [press R to renegotiate] behavior of s_client is documented and,
> last time I looked, can't be disabled.
> At any rate, s_client is intended for testing.  If your hashed test
> password string has an "R" in it, use a different test password.

For basic testing, I tend to use "gnutls-cli --starttls", where it starts a
plain text session, and only begins TLS negotiation when you send it EOF
(or SIGALRM, but ^D has always been easy enough for me).
As far as I know, it has no other special characters that trigger
potentially unwanted behavior.


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