> There is already a plan to allow for very easy customization by allowing you 
> to add custom fields that will not be zapped by upgrades:
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2686461&group_id=191583&atid=937967
> Maybe you could consider working on that instead?

I am not very familiar with the way how postfixadmin is bulit. For me it was 
much simpler to put this together in few hours with the features I need. Both 
projects are very fundamentally different. Postfix admin is certainly very 
stable and established, but the code looks like assembler.

>> Without reinventing the wheel, you don’t get to fly.
> And sometimes attempts to reinvent the wheel result in a lot of crashing and 
> burning... ;)
> No worries though, you can do whatever you like, I just hate to see a wasted 
> opportunity (to improve an existing, mature product)…

or you become most valuable company in the world, but my reasoning is simple. I 
made it. I shared it. If others like how it’s built inside, it could be made 
into a proper stable product easily.

> Anyway, this is OT for postfix, so if you’d like to continue the conversation 
> please send privately… but regardless, you still need to use something other 
> than postfixadmin.agiletoolkit.org for the name.

Im open for suggestions. It’s juts an experiment for now.

Thanks Charles.

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