On Tue, Mar 06, 2012 at 08:00:58PM -0500, Wietse Venema wrote:
> This works around a problem on some Linux systems. These don't use
> "postfix status" to find out if the mail system still runs.


# /etc/init.d/postfix status
 * postfix/postfix-script: the Postfix mail system is running: PID:
26257 [ ok ]

> Even worse, they refuse to start Postfix
> when the problem is fixed, claiming that Postfix is still running!

Fixed as well.

> The feature patch addresses only the start-up side of the issue.
> Location on the source code mirrors:
> postfix-release/experimental/feature-patches/20120206-master-monitor-patch
> postfix-release/experimental/feature-patches/20120206-master-monitor-patch.sig

I had to use the attached patch (on top of the above) to avoid erroring
out during compile.  FYI.

The patch behaves as expected.  postfix start waits for master to
initialize before returning with the correct return code.

There is no noticeable delay during startup with a correct
configuration.  Differences are within margin of error.

There is less incentive to start master directly.

Thanks again.

Eray Aslan
--- src/master/Makefile.in      2012-01-22 17:55:16.000000000 +0200
+++ src/master/Makefile.in      2012-03-07 11:10:55.255442235 +0200
@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
 SRCS   = master.c master_conf.c master_ent.c master_sig.c master_avail.c \
        master_spawn.c master_service.c master_status.c master_listen.c \
        master_proto.c single_server.c multi_server.c master_vars.c \
-       master_wakeup.c master_flow.c master_watch.c mail_flow.c
+       master_wakeup.c master_flow.c master_watch.c mail_flow.c \
+       master_monitor.c
 OBJS   = master.o master_conf.o master_ent.o master_sig.o master_avail.o \
        master_spawn.o master_service.o master_status.o master_listen.o \
-       master_vars.o master_wakeup.o master_watch.o master_flow.o
+       master_vars.o master_wakeup.o master_watch.o master_flow.o \
+       master_monitor.o
 LIB_OBJ        = single_server.o multi_server.o trigger_server.o 
master_proto.o \
        mail_flow.o event_server.o
 HDRS   = mail_server.h master_proto.h mail_flow.h

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