On Mar 2, 2012, at 11:52 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 02.03.2012 17:29, schrieb Mailinglist:
I won't be storing for long term and won't require backing up either.
It's more for custom php to query the emails that I receive.
The influx of email will only grow over time. Writing perl scripts to
look at flat txt files I feel will be too much over head on the
Where in a db it will be organized and easy to query for information.
In my perspective any ways. Unless I'm convinced otherwise
you are wrong if you think you can grab in the dbmail-database
like in any normal db - there is no record containing the whole
message, they are splitted in messageblocks
starting with dbmail3 they are splittet in mimeparts so that
every single attachment/mime-part is only stored once in the
whole databae independent how many messages are linked with it
this makes it even much harder to grab directly in the database
but it is a hughe improvement since on our server the whole
mailstorage after the uĆ¼grade was 20% smaller as before
imagine you are sending a mail with a 5 MB attachment
to 5 users on your server - in conventional mailsystems
you need 30 MB + overhead on disk (1 copy for the sent
message in your imap account), in dbmail you have
5 MB + some reference-records and even that can be combined
with innodb-compression in recent mysql-versions
in numbers this means on our server currently:
total mailsize: 9 GB
dbmail-database: 5 GB
Well, nevermind, I assumed it would be something that could be viewed
easily. Any one have any other suggestions?