On Thu, Mar 01, 2012 at 02:43:53PM +0100, Marián Černý wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to send copies of e-mails sent to a user first@ to be sent to another 
> user second@. I have the following alias:
> first: first, second
> However, if user second@ sends e-mail to first@, he receives a copy of that 
> e-mail. How to configure postfix so that the copy is not sent?
> Thanks for any help,
> Marian


you should use a different name for the mailgroup, something like:
first_alias: first, second

In the given sample I'm only surprised, that second doesn't get 2
copies of the mail sent to first.
I would expect that mailto: first would resolve to first, second,

Why not? :-)

Michael P. Demelbauer
Arsenal, Objekt 20
1030 Wien
freedom is the absence of fear
-- Nina Simone

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