On 2/28/2012 8:37 PM, Alex wrote:
> I had thought it was related, but another issue I'm trying to figure
> out is how to prevent a single remote server from sending thousands of
> messages at a time, filling the queue, and causing significant
> delivery delays for all mail.
> I thought either greylisting or a few iptables rules to throttle the
> connection rate, but I haven't been able to figure this out.

Greylisting won't help with connections from a legit mail server.

The proper solution is firewall rules to limit connections per
client, and/or QOS rules to limit the bandwidth per client.

As a last choice, you can use the various postfix client limits
provided by anvil(8).
Warning: anvil is intended to limit abusive clients only.  Using
anvil limits to slow down legit mail may cause extreme delivery delays.

  -- Noel Jones

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