-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 16:55:46 -0600
> Von: Stan Hoeppner <s...@hardwarefreak.com>
> An: postfix-users@postfix.org
> Betreff: Re: postscreen supersedes fqrdns.pcre table

> On 1/14/2012 6:43 AM, Charles Marcus wrote:
> > Also, Stan - would would be interested in seeing some comparisons of
> > postscreen configurations. I haven't implemented it yet (we use an
> > outsourced anti-spam service currently), but am interested in trying it
> > out to see if we can lose that service permanently now.
> Neither is a complete antispam solution.  You'll need a lot more special
> sauce in a local AS recipe before you'd want to wholesale switch from
> the managed service.
For me the question is: What does this outsourced anti-spam solution do? Does 
it block (aka: what postscreen/fqrdns.pcre does) and/or does it tag spam/ham. 
What other services do they offer that you need/use (qurantine management, anti 
virus, black-/whitelisting, dnsbl/rhbl, spf, graylisting, dkim, domain keys, 
sender id, reporting, throtteling, per user or per domain settings, 
inbound/outbound controls, etc, etc, etc)?

IMHO getting spam volume down to less than 5% of the inbound with practically 
0% false positive/negativ is today very easy and does not require you much 
effort (if at all).

> -- 
> Stan

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