> Am 03.01.2012 18:30, schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
> > To add to this sentiment, haven't most/all the viri/malware pushers
> > switched from an email delivery vector to drive-by downloads?  I can't
> > recall the last time I saw a viral email attachment.
> our barracuda saw 2929 in the last year
> compared with 14 Mio blocked spam-mails not much but one that hits you may
> be enough for a hughe damage


Yeah, looking at what you had wrote made me think that maybe I should go back 
and check my logs.  It's been a while.  I have some scripts in place that scan 
the logs daily looking for trends but I haven't looked at them in a while 
(since the volume never hit my threshold of 50/day in over a year).  Anyway, 
got 2 this year with a couple hundred or so remaining email accounts.

Jan  3 21:30:00 hsfremti01 clamsmtpd: 112A51: from=accou...@intl1.payple.com, 
to=bill@*.com, status=VIRUS:Email.Phishing.Pay-44
Jan  4 06:41:19 hsfremti01 clamsmtpd: 112C08: from=anonym...@delta.tap.net, 
to=sue@*.com, status=VIRUS:Email.Trojan-290

I use spamassassin (2002), clamav (2004), and sqlgrey (2006).  The spam 
filtering seems to drop the % of email to a ridiculously low level so what's 
left was always real simple to scan.

Anyway, thought I'd give you my feedback on what you're seeing for spam/viruses 
as well.

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