On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 03:01:03PM +0100, Jeroen Geilman wrote:
> >The key of my idea: I don't even bother mail store server even if I am able
> >to.  The reason: why I have to give load to the mail store server to pass
> >mails there which will be forwarded then back, if I can do the forward step
> >before it, and save an extra round?  Anyway, mail store server is even have
> >too much load, since it also had POP3, IMAP, webmail tasks.  So I only want
> >to pass mails there which is really stored then, mails to be forwarded is
> >not the case.  There is no secrecy here :) actually it's CGP now, but
> >planned to be replaced with PowerMail, as a mail store server does not need
> >to do anything other just accept mails which can be stored locally then (as
> >far as I know PowerMail does not even have queue, for example).
> If the mail store doesn't queue messages, then there is already a
> real SMTP server in front of it.

Yes. That SMTP server is postfix, where I want to implmenet the forwarding
as I told.

> I am confused as to what your actual question is.

My question is about implementing mail forwaring with forward
address/addresses set by LDAP also with an option to have copy at the
original rcpt or no. I am only confused because aliases mechanism which
would be OK for this purpose (I guess) can't be used since these users are
not local to me: I still have to send it with SMTP to the mail store server.
In the LDAP structure I have a transport maps so it's not a problem: I know
which domains should be sent to the mail store server, and which ones to be
delivered as is, based on DNS MX.

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