Am 28.12.2011 23:30, schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
> On 12/28/2011 2:41 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> this world would be a better one if more developers would have your
>> attitude instead permanently throwing things away and replace them
>> with half-baken replacement and shortly before they become bugfree
>> and useable the next one creeps in with his new "better" replacement
> Don't jump to conclusions.  We haven't yet seen Sahil's response with
> his reasoning behind his changes.

i speak not for postfix only

what i meant was generally the attitude of developers/packagers
over the last year in many distributions and for many packages

> Attacking someone before knowing all of the facts is referred to as
> "lynch mob" mentality here in the USA.  Google and read the history of
> the "lynch mob".  It's something I doubt you want to be associated with.

i do not attack anybody directly

this was simply a gratulation for the attitude of Wietse how he
is developing software and a general blame for mostly all developers
out there in the last yeas breaking permanently compatibility and
upgrade-path's, wasting ressources with not well thought software
and wondering why modern computers not much faster for the enduser
as ten years before

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