On Thursday 15 December 2011 01:34:53 Tomas Macek wrote:
> I'd like to have an whitelist based on hash:<file> table, for
> example this http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-whitelist-hosts-
> ip-addresses-in-postfix - it's simple.
> When I have a line
> REJECT You were blacklisted
> it's logged including reason of rejecting (of course).
> But when I have a line
> OK You were whitelisted
> it's not logged at all and I don't know why the IP was able to sent
> a mail through the mailserver and why. Is there any possibility to
> achieve that?

Set a class in smtpd_restriction_classes and return that as your 
lookup result:

main.cf contains:

smtpd_restriction_classes = [ ... ] whitelisted
whitelisted = warn whitelisted, permit

Your client access lookup contains:         whitelisted

In general I'd suggest that need for whitelisting indicates that your 
restrictions might be too aggressive, such as using reject_rbl_client 
with SORBS or Spamcop. More aggressive DNSBL services should only be 
used in scoring, such as with postscreen(8), for most sites. A large 
whitelist is hard to maintain properly, worse than a large blacklist.

So, you might need to step back and reevaluate your restrictions.
    Offlist mail to this address is discarded unless
    "/dev/rob0" or "not-spam" is in Subject: header

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