* Wietse Venema <postfix-users@postfix.org>:
> Wietse Venema:
> > Mueller, Martin (Messaging):
> > > Thanks for all the work making memcache support available, any
> > > thoughts on the potential use of this for anvil?
> > 
> > As documented, anvil blocks a client that overwhelms the server.
> > For that, there is no need to maintain state over more than a few
> > minutes. The program can be kept small and stupid, and it is not
> > the end of the world when it loses state after "postfix reload".
> Perhaps a better question would be "using memcache instead of anvil",
> and using the same mechanism for other Postfix daemons to dump some
> counters.  That would use a different interface than (lookup, update,
> delete and first/next), more something like (increment, decrement,
> or reset).

At the risk of getting flamed: Use it for SNMP?


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