> Dear all
> i'm using the smtpd_client_message_rate_limit setting to limit the
> usage of my smtp service.
> I'd like to know if is possible to have 2 different values of this
> setting, and assign them only to some users.
> i've also seen that i can force the check with
> but i need to change this value for a single smtp authenticated user,
> not and entire network.

As documented, smtpd_client*limit are not a traffic control tool.
Their purpose is to block run-away and confused software. 

The recommended way to rate-limit clients in different ways is to
use a policy service (such as postfwd or policyd).

Another option is to use port 25 ONLY for MTA-to-MTA traffic, and
to use the submission port for authenticated clients. Then, you can
apply different Postfix settings for different ports.


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