On Thursday 08 December 2011 14:24:00 Grant wrote: > Squirrelmail and postfix are on the same machine. I've changed > Squirrelmail to send to port 25 with no authentication and no TLS > and it works! It must have been failing before because it was > trying to authenticate? > > So this is working because Squirrelmail is part of $mynetworks > (localhost) and there are no security implications or any need to > enable authentication or TLS as long as Squirrelmail remains on the > same machine as postfix? That's a nice way around the Squirrelmail > STARTTLS problem.
Reindl Harald asked about this last night, 01:16 UTC. What a wild goose/squirrel chase this was! (I'm sure there is a Boris Badenov / Natasha joke in there somewhere: "Ees kaput for goose and squirrel!") -- Offlist mail to this address is discarded unless "/dev/rob0" or "not-spam" is in Subject: header