>> > I'm currently backing up my machine at home to a WD "My Passport" USB
>> > drive, doing a monthly full and nightly differential, using a script >> > that employs rsync. Each backup set looks like a full backup. Works >> > like a champ. I'm going to use the same script on the new mailserver >> > I'm building at work. >> > >> > I have two drives, which I swap once-a-month. The out-of-service >> > drive goes in the safe. At work I'll probably do three or four, with >> > at least one in the bank safety deposit vault. >> >> With the home domain, I use rsync for daily backups, and "whole >> system" dump to USB drive for (PGP-encrypted) off-site backup. >> >I myself use a dockstar running openwrt and a 2TB WD drive as linux/unix >and time machine backup. Cool, never heard of Dockstar before. Thanks for the hint. Does using Openwrt with it help you use its network features without having to pay their subscription and route all your access through their servers?