Sorry about the noob questions, but it's been 12 years or more since I stared at Postfix...
First, is there a way to get an out-of-the-box (in my case, Postfix 2.6.6 compiled for Centos6/EPEL6) to get $mydomain and $myhostname from the canonicalized hostname? I.e. to do a: gethostname(buf); then: hp = gethostbyname(buf); var_myhostname = strdup(hp->h_name); Or, for those who don't program, to get the same result as "hostname -f" returns on Linux. Alternatively, is there a way to get $mydomain to initialize to something other than localdomain when "hostname" returns an uncanonicalized name? Also, smtpd seems to silently ignore: submission ... smtpd ... -o inet_interfaces= in I was hoping to be able to use this to get it to listen for submissions only on but as I said, it ignores the "-o inet_interfaces=" ... is this a bug? Yes, it was pointed out to me that I can use: ... smtpd ... instead in, but thought setting options would be cleaner, especially if I have multiple loopback addresses. Thanks, -Philip P.S. Yes, I know 2.6.6 is fairly old... I'll file a bug to get a version update.