Hello, I don't know where I can send feedback , so I send it here.
I have read the "README_FILES/SASL_README" in the postfix source folder. And I found that some strange sentences appear in the file.I use kate as the text reader , and I can see many "right" symbols(or something you called it "tick",frequently appeared in checkboxes). For example , take a look at line 1248 , what I saw is like this: % m*ma*ak*ke*e t*ti*id*dy*y # if you have left-over files from a previous build Sorry , I can't type the "tick" in thunderbird , so I type "*" instead . The pattern is : the character repeats 1 time ,with the "tick " inserted. After doing a regexp replace of "(tick)." -> "" , I can read the file normally. Is it intended to type a "tick" and repeat the character ? If not , what is wrong?