On 11/17/2011 7:37 PM, Alex wrote:
> Hi,
>>> When using amavisd-new, shouldn't the number of processes match the
>>> number of smtpd processes?
>> When using amavisd-new as a content_filter, the number of postfix
>> smtp->amavisd feeder processes should be equal to (or maybe one less
>> than for monitoring) the number of amavisd processes.  This is
>> independent of the number of smtpd input processes.
> I think I may be still a bit confused.
> Can you confirm that this is the relevant section I should be
> adjusting to prevent timeouts connecting to port 25:
> smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
>         -o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings

Yes, adjust the above service to control how many network smtpd
listeners you have.

> I also increased the number of amavisd feeder processes to 24 today,
> and it seemed to handle the load:
> smtp-amavis unix    -       -       n       -       24     smtp

The above controls the number of feeder processes from postfix to
amavisd.  This number should match the number of amavisd-new
processes (or optionally one less than the amavisd-new process
limit).  This number should never be higher than the number of
amavisd-new processes.

> inet n    -       n       -       24     smtpd
> ...

This smtpd listener is for amavisd-new to reinject mail back to
postfix.  The process limit on this service must be equal to or
greater than the number of amavisd-new processes.  You can safely
leave this service's process count at the "-" default setting
(assuming your main.cf $default_process_limit (default 100) is
greater than the number of amavisd-new processes).

  -- Noel Jones

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