
Thank you. I got the root working with virtual_aliases. My question is
before I put in the virtual alias mapping mail anacron atempted to
deliver to root should have bounced, I'm wondering why it didn't and
also why the root virtual mailbox was created under the virtual
mailbox store?

For my virtual alias maps should I put them all under the mysql
database or have them mixed?


On 11/13/11, Jeroen Geilman <jer...@adaptr.nl> wrote:
> On 2011-11-12 23:06, David Mehler wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm running an Arch Linux machine and a Postfix virtual mailbox
>> hosting server with a Mysql backend. The software versions are:
>> postfix 2.8.6-1
>> Mysql 5.5.17-1
>> Dovecot 2.0.15-1
>> The Dovecot I'm using for pop3s and imaps.
>> Right now I have one domain I'll call example.com I've got one user
>> that I've created in the mysql database called user1, that's working
>> fine, his virtual mail storage location was created, mail can be sent
>> and delivered properly.
>> My problem is system accounts, root first, r...@example.com when I
>> telnet to the host and try to deliver email to that user I get an
>> error message user unknown in virtual mailbox table, great! The first
>> problem is system utilities, anacron, when delivering mail to
>> r...@example.com created the virtual mailbox area for the root user
>> and delivers mail in to it, it was my understanding this was not
>> suppose to happen. A little later in this message I will show my
>> configs to see if I messed up somewhere. Two other accounts that do
>> this are the webmaster and postmaster accounts, they get created and
>> can have system mail delivered to them, but not external mail.
>> I'm trying to forward webmaster, postmaster, and root to user1, in
>> setting up these virtual forwardings can I give each account a unique
>> subject such as (webmaster) to differentiate those messages?
> Hi, welcome to the postfix user mailing list!
> As documented, a setup where SOME accounts are LOCAL is achieved by
> following the instructions in
> http://www.postfix.org/STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README.html#some_local
> --
> J.

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