Le 9 nov. 2011 à 14:24, Patrick Ben Koetter a écrit :

> * bsd <b...@todoo.biz>:
>>> Good idea. Reject any message that can't be delivered immediately. That's
>>> cheap. It takes place in the SMTP session before the payload has been sent 
>>> and
>>> before a content filter, such as amavis, does ressource intensive filtering.
>> Shall I do that using the "Postfix Before-Queue Content Filter", if so is It
>> feasible or do you advise me to do that in the normal SMTP server using the
>> classic "virtual_alias_maps"
> Before or After Queue Filtering depends on legal requirements and how your
> server can take the load.
> In Germany, for example, you have to reject in session or you will get intro
> trouble if you decide at a later stage to accept, but discard the message
> later, because to the law this means you suppress delivery - which is a crime
> in Germany.
> And, if your server is so busy that it can't process message filtering while
> the client waits for the server to accept the message, you should consider
> After Queue Filtering.
> As for your question regarding *_maps. Is your server a border filter (vulgo
> SMTP Gateway) which accepts messages and forwards them to other servers or is
> it a final destination where clients come to pick up messages?

It is a SMTP Gateway delivering to another internal server. 
In fact there are two Gateways server with equal MX weight. 

> p@rick
> -- 
> All technical questions asked privately will be automatically answered on the
> list and archived for public access unless privacy is explicitely required and
> justified.
> saslfinger (debugging SMTP AUTH):
> <http://postfix.state-of-mind.de/patrick.koetter/saslfinger/>

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